R & D

PPS Quick Start Guide

By Mr Christian, 21 February 2012
Image: Quick Start Guide - Flow

During the Beta phase of Progressive Publishing System (PPS) we are using a file managements system called NUXEO as the main interface to our core conversion engine at the heart of PPS.

The feedback we've been getting is that its a little confusing, so we've produced a 'Quick Start Guide' to help you into the eBook building workflow.

'Quick Start Guide' PDF download

It later stages of PPS we'll be cleaning up NUXEO and aiming to make things a lot smoother.

Kindle Desktop and mobile Readers

If your wanting to preview your Kindle files and don't have a Kindle device you can use the Kindle desktop and mobile readers, download from the link below.

Kindle Readers download link

Quick Start Cover Image

If you would like to know more about PPS or to request an account see our earlier Beta launch post or email simon@metamute.org for a Beta account.