Mute Vol 2, No. 14 − Disorder/Colony/Collapse
Whether seen as the ultimate capitalists, Buddhists or communards, bees elicit fantasies and fears of social productivity and crisis by turns. This issue is not really about bees of course, but the ‘colony collapse disorder' which is currently threatening the global bee population works as a stark metaphor for the crisis of reproduction that is currently afflicting human society as it is currently configured. The collection of articles, stories and images in this issue can be seen as actively disordering colony collapse, whereby our destabilised social and ecological environments are not dispassionately reported upon, but insistently reordered in the pursuit of a hive better suited to our species needs.
2009-12, ISSN 1356-7748-214 & ISBN 9781906496432
Class War − The Game: The Movie
Scott Lenney takes on Classwar games at their Summer Offensive
Crisis in California − Everything Touched by Capitalism Turns Toxic
Gifford Hartmann takes us on a guided tour of the Golden State's darkside
The State Climate Camp's In
Beneath its festival facade, Climate Camp's politics are based in state authority and shallow slogans writes Damien Abbott
Upstairs Downstairs − From Intensity to Entitlement
Keston Sutherland discovers poetry doesn't have to be entombed in concrete at the ICAs Poor. Old.Tired Horse show.
Invisible Politics − An Introduction to Contemporary Communisation
John Cunningham reports from the picket line of the 'human strike'
Artist's Project: London Is A World Class City
by Max Reeves
Post-Crunch Futures (Part I)
Writing by Hari Kunzru, Laura Oldfield Ford and Benedict Seymour
Caroline Heron, Laura Oldfield Ford
ISSN 1356-7748-214
ISBN 978-1-906496-43-2
Dimensions: 22.4 x 15.2 x 1.3 cm
110 pages