

By Howard Slater, 29 April 2003

To James Stinson

Mauve fug clip claps an eye on rock melt for a deep onus crash rash of time rushed in honest flop foreshortening work-a-day flipped yodel and aorta flare-up. Total duration (unendurable) shrinks in the busy instant. Is it worth it? Is it not a dear enough price? So payslip cheaters lay-off on fuzzy slack downtime and leave it to its own I am yam glue fate (para ack-ack of labour process). Mauve fug clip is therefore wordy warm-up for non ID entry; a fulsome ruck in the occupation offing rag-out of poor, belatedly diffident infantry boys (workforce as lackeys).

They won’t sop us!How can guns beat living labour!

We made the unction fuck barrels and trip wire triggers (sad booby prize for non bosses collating our opinions). We frayed the cut with hooter tinsel & honest flop.

So mauve fug clip is I.Not entity.Knots.Knots of random sound coalescing.Mauve fug clip is mood fog cliff.Mood fog clip is and is not (at the same time) moor fig clap.Lots of sub-cs memory vocab knots dispersing towards…

Vesicle victory!

(handicapped human)

Victory of value!

(intaxed satraps)

Victory over meaning & misunderstanding!

(decollaged syntax)

Victory before restart onslaught into saltpetre terrains of psychic repression!

So, mote fact glyph is out buried treasure mined in moments of fecund relaxation; non-lingual but sounded-out in elongated tinnitus echo towards an emotion’s motion over us that’s controlled, guided, listened-to, but, harked-back upon towards the anti-presentism of an informed Now folded towards scrambles of tingle tangled nerve jangle haranguers amidst our former selves onrushing to meet the not entity knots of inchoate comings…

Not MintNot I: term common to all.All: Atlantis: myth of species birth.Frog knots.Knots of amphibian musicA Drexciyan spring.

We met in water with a liquidity that couldn’t be converted into opec-dollars (opec-euros). The swim was the tumbleover akimbo of historical nature, a snare pattern on the off as a gloop squelch rattled the insistency of differential distance from the measured meter to make room, so much space, a pace enough for earthern cracks to breed anew beings, a new gone through; a trust, a cluster pulse producing new centres of relation…

Final Victory! The confidence of our own optimism!