
Hermetically Open

By Gherasim Luca, 23 February 2007

love torrent emptiness chair empty chair empty torrential chair suspended in the metavoid the metachair is hanging by the torrential rope of the metavoid the metarope tightens and absorbs the torrential metaneck of the man hanging by the rope around the woman's neck around the fuzzy floating neck of his metawoman empty torrential and sitting the torrential metawoman is sitting on the chair sitting on the emptiness of her chair she perpetually metafloats in the absolute metavoid of my absolutely torrential desires absolutely meteoric and substantial the metahead of the substantial and meteoric metawoman suddenly appears like an arrow between the metathigh of my dreams and the metateeth of my desires swift biting arrow which slightly bent leans against the back of the metachair of my dreams and desires always sitting always unpredictable and absolutely dazzling the metawoman floats and metafloats always in the void her little metaflame visible by transparency burning within the torrential interior of her head while right beside the incandescence of her head slightly above her great meteoric hair passes like a cloud cloud resulting from the instantaneous evaporation of her vast mental torrents the great metaphysical tortoise the famous tortoise* of the eternal metatorture threatening with its grey torturing and metametaphysical weight the lovely carnal figure of the metawoman concretely sitting on her metachair flying flying floating and sitting by turns of the chair voluptuously supported by the feet of my senses by my five senses by the thousands of claws and thousands of feet of the passionate metasensuality which has tumultuously appeared in the metasweat in the infinite metasubstance my absolutely substantial senses the beautiful eyes the fine breasts the lovely metaphysical butt of the absolutely substantial metawoman substantial torrential and meteoric transgress the tortuous beyond of the metaphysics without physique transgress and annul the great metaphysical nothingness for always sitting on the meteoric metachair of my infinite and torrential meteoric desires the metawoman opens the woman she opens and bares her translucent flesh her transcendent innards her transmissible* hair which is eruptive devouring and dormant her heart pierced by the transparent bullets of my caresses in trance her delicate metavulva her dark metamouth the innocent transplantation of the flower of her mouth in the airy regions of my thighs the transmigration of her soul's mouth toward the thighs of my breath the bizarre transfers the unfathomable transfusions the gigantic transmutation of all the amorous metametals which are meteoric torrential metameteoric and substantial the perpetual and triumphant gigantic transmutation of mother's milk in meteoric lava in substantial metavoid in sperm in sperm and in universal metasperm in diamond sperm in your heart's sperm in the black sperm of the absolute metalust absolutely lustful and absolutely absolute  

Translated by Michael Tweed and Raphaëlle Dedourge. From Hermétiquement Ouverte, Héros-Limite, Ghérasim Luca, José Corti 1995.

Copyright Michael Tweed 1999.

For more information on Ghérasim Luca, please visit José Corti website. To see a video of Ghérasim Luca reading from Héros-Limite please go to

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