
New Economy

Three Class Struggles and a Funeral

Your mum tesco (anonymous graffiti)

In his review of the recent book Class Power on Zero-Hours (PM Press, 2020), Danny Hayward reflects with enthusiasm on AngryWorkers' attempt to pop the left's cosmopolitan bubble, following their journey through the warehouses, factories and customer fulfilment centres of suburban West London, to reveal the mass of contradictions presently known as the UK


Unleashing the Collective Phantom (Resistance to Networked Individualism)

Jordan Crandall, Drive, 2000. Installation view, Neue Gallerie am Landesmuseum J

Today’s ‘self-managed’ or sociological type has been shaped overwhelmingly by the impact of ‘60s counter-culture. Jettisoning the disciplinary schemas of modernity, capitalist production models – of goods and subjects – have taken on board the anti-authoritarian demands of the flower power generation. But, argues Brian Holmes, our newfound flexibility, mobility and interactivity is both repressive and liberatory by turns.

The Californian Ideology


'Not to lie about the future is impossible and one can lie about it at will' - Naum Gabo

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