Nearly a week after the murder of Rotterdam's political darling Pim Fortuyn, the reverberations of Europe's swing to the right are just starting to gain momentum.
2002-05, ISSN 1356-7748-24
Florian Schneider on anti-border activism across Europe
Brian Holmes on Art in the Age of the Flexible Personality and Virtual Class.
Andrew Goffey on the Politics of Immunology
Alvaro de los Angeles reports on cultural policy in the region of Valencia.
Pit Schultz and Boris Groendahl on hacking
CCRU on Nano-technological Nightmare Scenarios
Lisa Haskel on Swansong TV
David Mandl on Resonance FM
Mikkel Bolt on oppositional culture right-wing Denmark.
Hari Kunzru on morality in child sci-fi
JJ King on why David Lynch must shoot Philip K. Dick