
Section Static

Look at Hazards, Look at Losses

Look at Hazards, Look at Losses cover

Authors: Group for Conceptual Politics (GCP), Danny Hayward, Anthony Iles, Lisa Jeschke, Benjamin Noys, Eirik Steinhoff and Marina Vishmidt

Paperback ISBN: 978-86-88567-21-3

eBook ISBN: 978-86-88567-22-0

“Muslims are only ever the object in an endless national conversation around Islam, rarely invited to define their own narratives. Homegrown probed, pushed back, and hoped to move representations of Muslims beyond simple caricatures and crude Orientalist fantasies. For trying to do that we feel we were censored.” 

– Nadia Latif and Omar El-Khairy (artistic team Homegrown)

Radical Publishing: The Mute Archive

Radical Publishing Flyer

A Mute residency at Anagram Books, Berlin, with Simon Worthington

Opening 18 Nov, 7pm, with talk by Simon Worthington RSVP Facebook

Residency 18-27 Nov 2016, 2-8pm - exhibition: live archiving, DIY book scanning and collaborative bibliographies

Location and RSVP. Anagram Books, Lausitzer Str.35, 10999 Berlin.

The Mute Archive - http://metamute.org/archive

Collaborative Bibliographies

Mute Magazine Print Archive

Mute magazine covers

Mute magazine ISSN 1356-7748 | Sales information PDF http://linkme2.net/w7
Twitter − https://twitter.com/mutemagazine
Instagram − https://instagram.com/mute_publishing


PML Books

Image: Covers. Digital Solidarity, Provocative Alloys: A Post-Media Anthology, Human Strike Has Already Begun & Other Writings

The PML Book series is a collaboration between Mute magazine and Post-Media Lab. The Lab was set up in September 2011 and explores how post-broadcast media can be used to intensify ‘collective assemblages of enunciation’ – an idea originally formulated by Félix Guattari, and now unfolding in diverse ways across the ubiquity of media.


The books in this short series are:

Connecting People Apart

A free eBook reader compiled from the Mute magazine article archive for the Post-Media Lab, a new collaboration Mute is embarking on that will explore the following themes as part of the overall framework of the lab.

Digital Networks: Connecting People Apart, The Subsumption of Sociality, The Question of Organisation, Acting within Non-Human Ontologies

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