Mute Vol 1, No. 21 – Total Paranoia - The Metamap
In the digital arena, the fight for security is a pretty popular cause. Persistent cautionary tales of an assortment of Big Brothers have defined the internet's development as distinctly as any other. In this issue of Mute we raise the spectre of 'dataveillance' and total paranoia. See the Metamap of Surveillance and Privacy.
2001-09, ISSN 1356-7748-21
Inserts: The Metamap of Surveillance and Privacy, 2001-09, ISBN 978-1-906496-60-9. Fall Out audio CD.
The Metamap: a pull-out global map charting Surveillance and Privacy projects
Armin Medosch on Echelon and Global Surveillance
Cornelia Sollfrank interviews John Gilmore, Andy Muller-Maguhn and Rena Tangens on privacy protection
Chris Darke speaks to 'anti-globalisation' activist film-makers
Matthew Hyland on representations of 'race riots'
CCRU on the unfamiliar face of the Chinese economy
Ben Watson on Mad Pride
Benedict Seymour on Jean-Luc Goddard and the Dziga Vertov Group
Flint Michigan on Noise-theorist Jacques Attali's UK tour
Stewart Home on Raoul Vaneigem's Cavalier History of Surrealism
Howard Slater on Walter Marchetti
The great usability debate with Bo McFarland and Curt Cloninger
JJ King reports from two Hacker Gatherings: HAL2001 and Def Con
ISSN: 1356-7748-121